HacKRNspace is a newly started hackerspace in Giron. The hackerspace was started in October of 2023. We are a collection of people with a broad interest under the wide umbrella of technology. Some of us even with partial knowledge, all of us with curiosity. Currently the main objective of the hackerspace is to spark interest and learning about software, hardware and hacking.
We want to teach each other how everything that we take for granted actually works and how you could make it your own or use it in ways it was not necessarily meant to be used. If you plan to take apart your laptop to replace its battery we can promise you that you will not be left alone for long until a few heads poke out over you're shoulders to check what your doing and help you out, if you want help.
So what are we doing at GirCon 2024? For now we assemble on Mondays and Thursdays to work on our projects. Some of these are solo projects, some are group projects, some are side projects, and side projects of side projects... We have a server where we can test things and deploy websites. We have a smaller set of tools for the inevitable disassembly of hardware. And of course a 3D printer and soldering equipment. Some people are doing coding / learning courses - here we can help with some guidance and show neat tricks to pass them faster.
If you are interested in tech and building/modifying your own things, you are invited to join us. Or if you want to learn how to use some tools or how to write code you should definitely come and meet us. For GirCon we will bring some of our tools as the 3D printer and hopefully have a project to show off. If you're even mildly interested, come and have a chat with us, ask us about the projects and maybe find a thing or two you want to learn about or build.